Tuesday, September 12, 2006
wahaha! EXAM'S OVER! haha not exactly spectacular. but it was pretty satisfactory compared to last year's :P hopefully, the examiner shares my sentiments heh.
not bad! i was satisfied with my playing. last note for Tchaik's piece was however a semitone too sharp xP but since it was a sustained note, i decided to gradually shift it back a semitone lower using "huge" vibrato. which miss lim said was not bad as i ended it off confidently despite the out of tune note. xD Processional was better, although some parts sounded a little bit too sharp. damn. but apart from that, the piece was generally well done, in my opinion xP i do not know what the examiner thinks. lol, i can write a whole essay on "masks" man. the unaccompanied Bach piece was a little unstable though >< the notes were correct, but i screwed the phrasing quite a bit. but ended off pretty well *i hope*
would rather not talk abt it xP evil examiner. give me separate bows for the easiest ones, and slurred for the tougher ones. ><><><><
hah! nice guy! gave me all alto clef. no treble phew. rhythm was again screwed, as usual. but i carried on confidently. pretty pleased with it. upon 18 rite? hopefully that can fetch me 14 as well >< but that's already being VERYVERYVERY optimistic about it. shall be working on it =)
lol. have absolutely no idea if i did well for this component. sight-singing and singing from memory were *okay* xP hopefully. the other components i have no confidence at all. would be happy if i actually get 13/18 >< again, being super optimistic liao lol.
generally, it was quite up to expectations despite some unexpected fumbles, hopefully i can achieve a merit. but i'm gonna work on my mistakes and try even harder next year (:
haha and maybe i should start doing all my undone homework heh.