Wednesday, October 11, 2006
gonna catch 'em all
It's been 2 solid days of mugging. But i still don't feel confident about Julius Caesar. Bleeahh. But anyway, while i was mugging bio, i came across this...

Courtesy of Yin Rong, wish you can see the words clearly. If not, and if you're really interested, ask for the original copy! =]
Nothing much happened today. Except Com Studies, where Mrs Chor made us redo a couple of the tests for failing it the first time round. I spent at least half the period redoing -.-''' as i failed 2 out of 3 of the tests. Computer Studies is, honestly, a totally unnecessary subject. I hardly keep anything in mind after the lesson. But there isn't much i actually manage to absorb in the lesson anyway. lol. And help would be very much appreciated for Lessons 4 and 5 :D
Hey, wow! The guy who picked up the LG phone i lost at J8 yesterday just called me. And i'm going to collect it at J8 tomorrow. :D Although the phone isn't worth much at all, besides the SIM Card, it proves that there are still lots of nice people around. Yay!
Julius Caesar calls. ooohhhh =]